
We are Super­bold. Bold embod­ies both our think­ing and our approach to every project. We part­ner with our clients to cre­ate endur­ing brands that res­onate and have pur­pose. Based in Gee­long, we are a team of mul­ti-dis­ci­pli­nary design­ers skilled in strat­e­gy, brand­ing, graph­ic design, web design, pack­ag­ing and visu­al com­mu­ni­ca­tion. Col­lab­o­rat­ing with a net­work of like-mind­ed cre­ative pro­fes­sion­als, we tai­lor our approach to address the spe­cif­ic needs of your project.

Ser­vices + Capabilities

Brand iden­ti­ty

Brand strat­e­gy


Print design

  • Pub­li­ca­tions
  • Reports
  • Com­mu­ni­ca­tions
  • Adver­tise­ments
  • Pro­mo­tions

Dig­i­tal design

  • Web­sites
  • Pre­sen­ta­tions
  • Social media
  • Dis­play advertisements
  • EDMs

Sig­nage design


Art direc­tion

Core Team

Nick Humphries


We are both cre­ative and strate­gic. We work with pas­sion and pur­pose. We are expe­ri­enced but don’t like to waf­fle on about it. We are diverse yet com­ple­men­tary. We are method­i­cal but not com­plex. We are curi­ous and love to have fun. We are gen­uine and sup­port­ive. We talk less and lis­ten more. We trust in the pow­er of effec­tive design. We believe in design for the greater good. We chal­lenge the norm and nev­er set­tle. We want to be a part of change. We are here to help.

If you would like to dis­cuss a project please get in touch, we’d love to hear from you.