Bel­lar­ine Smokehouse
Natures Finest. Pure Taste.

Brand Iden­ti­ty
Sign + Livery
Dig­i­tal Design

Bel­lar­ine Smoke­house pro­duces the finest smoked prod­ucts from sus­tain­ably farmed and line caught fish. Craft­ed with pas­sion and nature’s finest ingredients.

They pro­duce their hot smoked prod­ucts using local ti-tree sourced from their beau­ti­ful Bel­lar­ine back­yard. Their hot smok­ing process takes up to 3 days and includes salt­ing and cur­ing, the 5 hour smok­ing process and also the cool­ing down process which is just as important.

The dis­tinct brand mark brings to life the ocean and the fish with­in it. The pack­ag­ing is high­light­ed by dif­fer­ent smoke illus­tra­tions and a coloured hold­ing device to denote the dif­fer­ent prod­ucts in the range. The colours are inspired by the colours of the fish and are used sub­tly to cre­ate a pre­mi­um and unique offering. 

The new iden­ti­ty for Bel­lar­ine Smoke­house has helped them to grow into a thriv­ing busi­ness with an ever grow­ing cus­tomer base.