Cre­at­ing a great future, today.

Brand iden­ti­ty
Print collateral
Dig­i­tal design

Zash Ven­tures is an invest­ment firm rais­ing cap­i­tal for star­tups in the tech space. Super­bold was engaged to cre­ate a brand iden­ti­ty, print­ed col­lat­er­al and dig­i­tal design for the new organ­i­sa­tion which rep­re­sents the fast mov­ing pace in which both the tech world and Zash oper­ates.

The result­ing iden­ti­ty revolves around a Z let­ter­form made of inter­sect­ing seg­ments filled with flow­ing gra­di­ents to cre­ate a sense of con­nec­tion and move­ment. The shape of the Z rep­re­sents a path­way’ that piv­ots and moves for­ward, speak­ing to the nature of the start­up sec­tor, and the three seg­ments rep­re­sent the three ingre­di­ents involved in a suc­cess­ful ven­ture. Togeth­er every­thing is pre­sent­ed in a vibrant colour palette which is ener­getic, bold, bright and set against tra­di­tion­al back­ground colours to con­vey trust.

The mov­ing seg­ments with­in the Z are then extract­ed and used through­out the visu­al lan­guage to cre­ate engag­ing visu­als in a dis­rup­tive fash­ion that speak to the def­i­n­i­tion of Zash: mov­ing real­ly quick­ly online.