Botan­i­cal Brew
The Jun kom­bucha revolution.

Brand Iden­ti­ty

Botan­i­cal Brew cre­ates Jun kom­bucha from their home grown pure Aus­tralian hon­ey and cer­ti­fied organ­ic green tea. Their prod­ucts high­light the unique flavours of the Aus­tralian land­scape to cre­ate rare flavour combinations.

Their mis­sion is to cre­ate nat­u­ral­ly alco­holic and non-alco­holic bev­er­ages using tra­di­tion­al meth­ods, and to main­tain the integri­ty of the prod­uct with a focus on trans­paren­cy, qual­i­ty and sustainability.

The dis­tinct mark merges the bee and the tea leaves to cre­ate an organ­ic brand device. Paired back pack­ag­ing high­light­ed by con­sid­ered typog­ra­phy and a coloured shape to denote the dif­fer­ent flavours in the range.

The new iden­ti­ty for Botan­i­cal Brew has helped them to become a leader in the mar­ket and has cre­at­ed an oppor­tu­ni­ty to open their first retail space in Gee­long West.