Trust. Foott.

Brand Iden­ti­ty
Dig­i­tal and print collateral
Sig­nage and vehi­cle livery
Web­site design

Foott is a fam­i­ly-owned busi­ness with over 30 years’ expe­ri­ence in waste man­age­ment. Foott is trust­ed to deliv­er waste, recy­cling, and event solu­tions through­out region­al Vic­to­ria and South­ern New South Wales. With a grow­ing team, their new office tech­nolo­gies pro­vide the sup­port required for their expe­ri­enced staff to con­tin­ue deliv­er­ing the most suit­able waste and recy­cling solu­tions for their customers.

Super­bold was tasked with refresh­ing the Foott iden­ti­ty. The DNA of the iden­ti­ty was to remain but with a bold­er and more pro­gres­sive brand vision. The Foott logo is a dis­tinct F” let­ter which forms the shape of a skip bin with an open lid. The visu­al lan­guage has been cre­at­ed from the angu­lar shapes in the F lid” icon, with the shapes rep­re­sent­ing Foott’s uncom­pro­mis­ing curios­i­ty to deliv­er inno­v­a­tive sus­tain­able solu­tions. A three-day pho­to­shoot was com­mis­sioned with pho­tog­ra­ph­er Chris McConville to cap­ture the heart of the Foott busi­ness and to show­case all of Foott’s ser­vices. Super­bold worked across every touch­point of the busi­ness, includ­ing print col­lat­er­al, dig­i­tal col­lat­er­al, sig­nage, vehi­cle liv­ery, and a new website.

Foott is pas­sion­ate and dri­ven to con­tin­u­al­ly inno­vate and to reduce the Foottprint’ they are leav­ing on our plan­et for gen­er­a­tions to come. The new brand will help them to grow and evolve for many years to come.
