Wim­mera Mallee
Adven­tures in a Dif­fer­ent Light.

Brand Iden­ti­ty
Cam­paign print & dig­i­tal design

Faced with lim­it­ed resources and post-pan­dem­ic chal­lenges, Wim­mera Mallee Tourism’s efforts need­ed to be ele­vat­ed to bet­ter show­case the area, high­light the many won­ders, and build con­tent to con­nect with trav­ellers. In a fierce­ly com­pet­i­tive tourism mar­ket, a dig­i­tal cam­paign was required to attract local and inter­state vis­i­tors by empha­sis­ing road trips that cel­e­brate the jour­ney, not just the destination.

The Wim­mera Mallee offers a unique expe­ri­ence to seek some­thing dif­fer­ent, an oppor­tu­ni­ty to choose your adven­ture, to see the oth­er side of Vic­to­ria and explore on your terms. The hero tagline, Adven­tures in a Dif­fer­ent Light,’ was devel­oped. Work­ing along­side Arthur St, True South Film, and Chris McConville Pho­tog­ra­phy, a brand for the region and cam­paign was cre­at­ed to build a con­sis­tent and entic­ing visu­al iden­ti­ty. Video and pho­tog­ra­phy con­tent brings the cam­paign to life with a short film show­cas­ing adven­tur­ing cou­ples and fam­i­lies explor­ing the region and tick­ing off’ the list of adven­tures. The brand mark brings to life the rich sto­ries, mem­o­ries, and expe­ri­ences to be cre­at­ed in the Wim­mera Mallee.

The response to the cam­paign has been unprece­dent­ed, with robust local sup­port that has pro­pelled a seg­ment focused on vis­it­ing friends and rel­a­tives. Res­i­dents have devel­oped a new­found pride in their local­i­ty, demon­strat­ing an eager­ness to share the cam­paign. The cam­paign has been so effec­tive that it has been nom­i­nat­ed for a Mum­brel­la Tourism Award.