Edu­cate, Inno­vate, Inspire.

Brand Iden­ti­ty
Dig­i­tal design

The Inter­na­tion­al Med­ical Robot­ics Acad­e­my dri­ves pos­i­tive, real-life out­comes for sur­geons and patients by dis­rupt­ing, inno­vat­ing and advanc­ing robot­ic surgery train­ing and pro­ce­dures, globally.

Work­ing along­side Arthur St we dis­cov­ered our brand goal was to build an iden­ti­ty that posi­tioned IMRA as the recog­nised leader in inno­v­a­tive sur­gi­cal train­ing. The brand had to act as a frame­work for future com­mu­ni­ca­tions and to help build the rep­u­ta­tion of the organisation.

The brand is based on the part­ner­ship of sur­geons and the always devel­op­ing robot­ic tech­nolo­gies. The sym­bol which is cre­at­ed with 2 shapes, one rep­re­sent­ing the sur­geons hands and the oth­er the robots arms. The com­bined shape embod­ies IMRA’s for­ward think­ing ethos. The angled shapes from the sym­bol have been used in the visu­al lan­guage which rep­re­sent IMRA’s pro­gres­sive approach to sur­gi­cal training.

The new brand has been well received and has helped build brand aware­ness and the growth of the organisation.