Ready to Phở!

Brand Iden­ti­ty
Dig­i­tal Design

Pholk­lore is about enjoy­ing deli­cious food in a relaxed casu­al atmos­phere. Born in Torquay on the Surf Coast, the restau­rant serves Viet­namese — inspired street food from its unique indoor/​outdoor space built from ship­ping containers.

Pri­or to that first ship­ping con­tain­er being placed, Super­bold were engaged to con­cep­tu­alise and design a brand iden­ti­ty for the Pholko­re launch. Work­ing with the restau­rant founder we took inspi­ra­tion from his inspi­ra­tion for the venue: the adven­tures, tastes and delights of trav­el­ling across Viet­nam. The aim was to devel­op an iden­ti­ty that acknowl­edges the ori­gins of its offer­ing, but also empha­sis­es the unique­ness of the Pholk­lore experience.

The com­bi­na­tion of these themes are what formed the result­ing brand. The colour palette and stacked ver­ti­cal logo­type are inspired by vin­tage street-food sig­nage from Viet­nam. These ele­ments are paired and under­pinned by a sim­ple half cir­cle to rep­re­sent a big bowl of phở, and the big smile that comes after eat­ing it. Sec­ondary marks were designed to expand on this think­ing and bring vari­ety to the brand which can be used in a myr­i­ad of ways, from uni­forms to pack­ag­ing to pat­terns and sig­nage. The result is a unique look that fur­ther bol­sters the last­ing first-impres­sion one has when vis­it­ing this unique venue.

Since open­ing its first loca­tion in Torquay, Pholk­lore has expand­ed to a sec­ond venue in hos­pi­tal­i­ty-cen­tric Gee­long West and grown to become one of the region’s favourite and most recog­nis­able eateries.