Robin Brock­ett Wines
The Best of the Bellarine.

Brand Iden­ti­ty

Robin Brock­ett has spent over 35 years striv­ing to per­fect the art of wine­mak­ing. Dur­ing this time he has worked for the best winer­ies on the Bel­lar­ine Penin­su­la. Brock­et­t’s pas­sion lies in cre­at­ing wines which have a sense of place; wines that are a part of people’s expe­ri­ences and lives. With this unique per­spec­tive, he has hand­craft­ed a series of small-batch wines from lead­ing grape grow­ers to demon­strate the best of the Bellarine. 

Robin was recent­ly induct­ed into the Wine Hall of Fame at the Gee­long Wine Awards. To cel­e­brate this, Super­bold part­nered with Robin on the brand­ing and pack­ag­ing to reveal the pas­sion and intri­cate ambi­tion of the man behind the wines. The hero being the robin bird, not only does it tie to his name but the robin is a sym­bol for hap­pi­ness, this hap­pi­ness echo’s his ethos that wine is cre­at­ed to cel­e­brate and enjoy with fam­i­ly and friends. Robin’s unwa­ver­ing pur­suit of excel­lence is expressed through the atten­tion to detail on the labels. The gold is promi­nent and reflects Robin’s long stand­ing excel­lence in the wine industry.

The pre­mi­um range of wines has quick­ly gained trac­tion with­in the region and fur­ther cement­ed the wines out­stand­ing rep­u­ta­tion by the pub­lic and crit­ics alike.