Solu­tions Out­side the Box.

Brand strat­e­gy + identity
Print collateral
Dig­i­tal design

Ultra­pak deliv­ers inno­v­a­tive and sus­tain­able pack­ag­ing solu­tions and has over 40 years indus­try expe­ri­ence. Ultra­pak is as a spe­cial­ist pack­ag­ing spe­cial­ist in the pre­mi­um mar­ket seg­ment. They cre­ate bespoke solu­tions and col­lab­o­ra­tions to make their cus­tomers busi­ness­es more suc­cess­ful where per­for­mance and out­comes are high­ly valued.

Ultra­pak offers solu­tions out­side the box’ sup­port­ed by extra­or­di­nary ser­vice and care. Ultrapak’s com­mit­ment to each and every project is sec­ond to none.

Our aim was to cre­ate a brand that reflect­ed the over­all brand vision and to help lead and grow Ultra­pak into the future. The brand mark brings to life the idea of Solu­tions Out­side the Box’ in a bold, con­fi­dent let­ter mark. The let­ter U’ con­veys the box whilst the teal line embod­ies the solu­tions out­side the box. It also rep­re­sents Ultra­pak rais­ing the bar in every­thing they do. The bars have been used through­out the brand to cre­ate and con­sis­tent and dis­tinct brand. 

The new brand and mar­ket­ing has helped to grow the busi­ness with a new large head­quar­ters on the horizon.
