Surf Her Way
There’s a wave for you.

Brand iden­ti­ty
Print design

Surf Her Way is here to serve, acknowl­edge, wel­come and invite women and girls to surf their way.

It aims to encour­age women and girls to dis­cov­er the free­dom and joy of surf­ing as a way to be abun­dant­ly con­nect­ed to nature and each oth­er, and to be con­fi­dent and happy.

Surf Her Way offers a holis­tic and reward­ing sense of accom­plish­ment, a nat­ur­al high and a female friend­ly acces­si­ble com­mu­ni­ty for any­one look­ing to surf.

Work­ing with the Brand Cre­ative and Surf­ing Vic­to­ria, Super­bold cre­at­ed the brand­ing and print col­lat­er­al. Inspired by retro surf cul­ture, the logo incor­po­rates a female sil­hou­ette with a break­ing wave, encom­pass­ing the over­all idea of empow­er­ing women and girls to surf.