Wired Life
Smart. Home. Design.

Brand strat­e­gy + identity
Sig­nage + Livery
Dig­i­tal design

Wired Life is a leader in home automa­tion, secu­ri­ty sys­tems, telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions and gen­er­al elec­tri­cal works pro­vid­ing smart, high qual­i­ty solu­tions for clients across Mel­bourne, Gee­long, and Point Cook.

John and the team con­tact­ed Super­bold to devel­op a new brand strat­e­gy and iden­ti­ty, one that rep­re­sents the core val­ues and essence of Wired Life. The new strat­e­gy was under­pinned by a series of work­shops and inter­views with key stake­hold­ers, which then informed cre­ative ter­ri­to­ries to explore for the iden­ti­ty design.

The result­ing design revolves around a tech-inspired logo­type with an inte­grat­ed elec­tro­mag­net­ic wave sym­bol. Applied with an ener­getic colour palette, across a sim­pli­fied visu­al lan­guage cen­tric to the tar­get audi­ence, the new iden­ti­ty posi­tions Wired Life as a mod­ern, inno­v­a­tive, and for­ward-fac­ing business.