King Brown
The beer with a big bite!

Brand iden­ti­ty
Dig­i­tal design

Mantrap Brew­ing had the ambi­tion of cre­at­ing the finest high ABV hop-for­ward styles in the mar­ket. They want­ed their beers to have a big bite! The name King Brown was cho­sen as it is Australia’s largest ter­res­tri­al ven­omous snake, found across the vast major­i­ty of the Aus­tralia. The long­neck brown bot­tles used in the pack­ag­ing are also called a King Brown.

We har­nessed this atti­tude to chal­lenge the norm in the craft beer cat­e­go­ry. That meant stay­ing away from the expect­ed visu­al lan­guage of hops and white space min­i­mal­ist approached seen on many labels. A bold, con­tem­po­rary and con­sis­tent approach was used for the labels. Dark colours were cho­sen to rep­re­sent the high ABV hop style of the beers whilst a con­trast­ing bronze foil was used to rep­re­sent the stun­ning skin of the King Brown snake.

King Brown is in its infant stages but has already picked up a big fol­low­ing and will con­tin­ue to inno­vate and grow with stand­out pack­ag­ing like no oth­er in the market.