Bel­lar­ine Distillery
Savour. Cel­e­brate. Share.


Bel­lar­ine Dis­tillery was the first Dis­tillery on the Bel­lar­ine Penin­su­la when it opened back in 2018. Founders Russ Wat­son and Lorelle War­ren got some words of encour­age­ment from the leg­end of Aus­tralian spir­its, Bill Lark, and set to dis­till­ing gin and whisky on the site of a for­mer chick­en farm.

Super­bold worked with Bel­lar­ine Dis­tillery to bring to life the pack­ag­ing for the Distillery’s first whisky release. Their aim is to cre­ate whisky’s for you to savour, cel­e­brate and share with the peo­ple you love. The labels are inspired by the Bel­lar­ine Penin­su­la and the his­to­ry of the distillery’s land. As all whisky releas­es are lim­it­ed edi­tions, they come in hand craft­ed box­es with a post­card describ­ing the inspi­ra­tion of the release along with tast­ing notes. The first releas­es of their 2 whiskies sold out in min­utes. They were real­ly well accept­ed by the pub­lic and crit­ics alike.

With the suc­cess of the gin spir­its new prod­ucts are con­sis­tent­ly in devel­op­ment. The first of them being the Tar­ty Ted Sparkling Gin Cock­tail with soda, native lemon myr­tle and organ­ic Valen­cia oranges. They have proved a mas­sive hit with the sum­mer crowds down at the Whiskery.

Super­bold enjoys part­ner­ing with the team at Bel­lar­ine Dis­tillery and look for­ward to col­lab­o­rat­ing on dif­fer­ent prod­ucts mov­ing for­ward. Thank you to Stu­art Mclaugh­lan illus­tra­tion and Flu­id brand­ing for their major con­tri­bu­tion to the project.