Ocean Road Dairies
Aus­tralian organ­ic A2 pro­tein milk.

Brand iden­ti­ty
Print design
Dig­i­tal design

Ocean Road Dairies offer an 100% Aus­tralian organ­ic A2 pro­tein milk. Many babies, espe­cial­ly new­born or pre­ma­ture babies are not born with enough of the enzyme (Lac­tase) to break down digest­ed Lac­tose. That’s why they’ve cre­at­ed an organ­ic A2 pro­tein milk. This inno­v­a­tive prod­uct is gen­tle on the tum­my and has func­tion­al ben­e­fits for immune sys­tem and brain development. 

Their farms are sit­u­at­ed in the gold­en tri­an­gle’ of Australia’s dairy indus­try, with 5 of the dairy farms sit­u­at­ed close to the Great Ocean Road. The inspi­ra­tion for the design was inspired by the beau­ti­ful region. Work­ing with renowned illus­tra­tor Har­ry Slaghekke we cre­at­ed the dis­tinct and pre­mi­um pack­ag­ing to embody the clean and green farms. You will find the 3 prod­ucts in Chemist Ware­house stores around Australia.