One­day Distillery
The unique spirit.

Brand Iden­ti­ty

Locat­ed in Curlewis on the Bel­lar­ine Penin­su­la, One­day Dis­tillery is a unique des­ti­na­tion. The hand­craft­ed and rus­tic estab­lish­ment oozes authen­tic­i­ty and charm. To expe­ri­ence One­day is some­thing you won’t for­get. There is noth­ing man­u­fac­tured”, whether that be the build­ings, inte­ri­ors, food, drinks or expe­ri­ence. It all comes from the heart and a real pur­pose: to have their vis­i­tors leave with a smile on their faces.

It is the brain­child of Sam Mur­ray and was cre­at­ed in 2001. His pas­sion for his­to­ry and spir­its led to his first small batch gin which has become the flag­ship of the Dis­tillery in Ewing Blyth gin.

Ship­wrecked in 1853, Bar­won Heads orig­i­nal hip­ster clam­bered ashore with only his gun in hand and famous gin recipe in his head. He set­tled by the Bar­won Riv­er and fed the sur­vivors of the Earl of Charlemont wreck with shred­ded beef from a local farmer’s bul­lock and lat­er on he mar­ried the same farm­ers daugh­ter, with whom he reared 11 chil­dren and 57 grandchildren.

Passed down through 5 gen­er­a­tions, this ship­wrecked gin is made with local­ly sourced botan­i­cals and hon­ours Ewing’s orig­i­nal recipe. The unique brand mark com­bines his name and year of arrival. The pack­ag­ing has been inspired by his ocean jour­ney. The colours rep­re­sent the sea whilst the shape with the label embod­ies the ships sails. Blind emboss­es and bronze foils cre­ate a pre­mi­um offer­ing to be enjoyed by locals and locals’ alike.

The sec­ond gin at One­day Dis­tillery pays homage to Sam’s Scot­tish her­itage and does this proud­ly with the Mur­ray fam­i­ly crest as the hero of the label. His love of red wines led to this fusion of juniper berries and unique local botan­i­cals as well an ele­gant Pinot Noir Rosé influence.

One­day Dis­tillery Silk Gin is ded­i­cat­ed to those who love to sip and appre­ci­ate a glass of pinot noir but don’t want to buy a whole bottle. 

The last one is the range is Salty Mur­ray Ocean Vod­ka. Sam is an Ocean Grove local and is pas­sion­ate about all things in the ocean. Whether that be fish­ing, surf­ing or tak­ing his dog cider for walks on the beach. 

Sam is a salt of the earth guy and this Vod­ka rep­re­sents his beloved sta­tus on the Bel­lar­ine Penin­su­la. The tongue in cheek pack­ag­ing cre­ates many con­ver­sa­tions at the bar.