Grampians Life
You’ll Love the Grampians Life

Brand strat­e­gy
Brand identity

To sup­port the objec­tive of eco­nom­ic growth, the North­ern Grampians Shire Coun­cil required a brand and strate­gic propo­si­tion to help attract new res­i­dents to the Shire. The brand was to be eas­i­ly iden­ti­fi­able and attrac­tive to a new gen­er­a­tion of tar­get markets.

A series of work­shops with Coun­cil and com­mu­ni­ty were under­tak­en to cre­ate the val­ues and brand propo­si­tion. The result was Grampians Life’, a brand to posi­tion the North­ern Grampians as a great place to raise a fam­i­ly and live a won­der­ful, adven­tur­ous life. It is a car­ing com­mu­ni­ty that love to con­tribute, along with great work oppor­tu­ni­ties and more.

The cam­paign col­lat­er­al is cur­rent­ly being devel­oped and will con­tin­ue to grow well into the future.