Lib­er­tas Housing
Trans­form­ing lives through pur­pose built living.

Brand iden­ti­ty
Dig­i­tal design
Print design

Lib­er­tas Hous­ing pro­vide the best liv­ing expe­ri­ence for par­tic­i­pants, in col­lab­o­ra­tion with their car­ers and the com­mu­ni­ty. They are a devel­op­er and SDA provider who builds homes that cre­ate a sense of pri­va­cy and qui­et enjoy­ment for their ten­ants. They seek to be good, do good and max­imise the par­tic­i­pants outcomes. 

The name Lib­er­tas means lib­er­ty and free­dom. The idea of free­dom has been brought to life with the sym­bol of a bird. The mod­ern yet approach­able design approach embod­ies the Lib­er­tas mantra of cre­at­ing out­stand­ing homes for the best expe­ri­ences of life.